Wait! You Can't See It Yet will lead you to understand why the season of wait is worth the process. In this book the writer describes the path as "a life script" we all must follow, with God as the director. But in search of our own path, if we ignore the Director, then we have deviated from the original script. If only Susie had listened, blocked the lies of the enemy, and recognized who she was in the eyes of her Heavenly Father. Perhaps she would not have become a prisoner of her past. Instead, what if she had been bold enough to look the enemy in the face and confront the spirit of fear that took residence when she was a child?
One day God, in his bountiful grace, made Susie a promise. The only requirement was she had to wait. Therein she discovered the sad reality of who she'd become-a girl hidden behind a mask that she had designed herself as a cover-up. Was it too late? Would she trust God to direct her life? What was the promise she held onto? Would God "The Promise Keeper" keep his word?