MICHAEL A. PALMER, SR. is truly a man that wears many hats. He is a high-level professional in the real estate & credit management industry, a part-time professor at a local college, a multi-gifted musician, songwriter, pastor, and life mentor. He has diligently served in ministry and community outreach for over 36 years. Out of everything he does, his crowning honor is being a husband to his wife, Tracy, and a father to his two children, Michael II and Jasmine. He loves to spoil his wife and children! However, his affectionate personality and care doesn't just stop with his household. He has touched so many lives with the gifts that God has placed within him. Be it music, pastoring, teaching, mentoring, or benevolence, thousands of people have been affected in a positive way by him. Such a testament offers no surprise once Michael encountered his greatest moment of affliction in August of 2013; for there were multitudes of those who had been touched by this young man upon hearing the news of his devastating experience. "From the jaws of death to a hospital bed. From a hospital bed to a wheelchair. From a wheelchair to a walker. From a walker to a cane...my afflictions were many. However, because God is the ultimate architect of my life, and He knows the end from the beginning, I enthusiastically declare that 'IT IS GOOD THAT I WAS AFFLICTED!"