Seminar paper from the year 2002 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1, 5, Technical University of Braunschweig (Englisches Seminar), course: Film and Literature, language: English, abstract: It is always very interesting how literature is adapted into the medium film. Often the results are very surprising for the viewers as the personal images one develops when reading a book do not match with the ones used in the movie. For instance the appearance of the characters, the look of the setting, the performing of the actors etc. . Questions are raised like: "Did the hero in the novel not have blond hair?" or "I thought the princess was described as the prettiest girl on earth - well, she definitely wasn't in the film!". People just have different tastes and anything but the same ideas. That is what makes life so various and why there can exist many different films on the very same topic. Every film adaptation of literature is a personal interpretation of the filmmakers. They have to think about ways how to translate the novel into film language, as every medium has its own characteristics.
This research paper summons up the peculiarities of film and fiction, especially under the aspect of time, and what changes the transformation requires. I want to point out the relation of story-time and discourse-time and with which problems the filmmakers have to deal in order to produce a film adaptation very close to the novel it is based on. . My source for the analysis will be the book "Beloved" written by Toni Morrison in 1987 and the film "Beloved" directed by Jonathan Demme in the year 1998, as in these story and discourse play an important role and are very complex.
First of all, I want to give a short definition of the terminology of discourse and story to get a good basis for the analyses of book and movie, which will be provided in the appendix. After that I will point out some important facts on "Beloved" including a short summary of the plot and the main characters. Then I will show the differences and similarities in the plot of both mediums. That is, to have an overview of the structure of film and novel, and to collect information about the translation of story-time and discourse-time. These results will support my closer approach on the first chapter of the book and the very same sequences in the film in comparing them under the aspect of time.