Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research, Second Edition demonstrates how to enact various philosophical concepts in practices of inquiry, effectively opening up the process of thought in qualitative studies.
1. Plugging One Text into Another, Interlude I: Why Derrida?, 2. Derrida: Thinking with Deconstruction, Interlude II: Why Spivak?, 3. Spivak: Thinking with Marginality, Interlude III: Why Foucault?, 4. Foucault: Thinking with Power/Knowledge, Interlude IV: Why Butler?, 5. Butler: Thinking with Performativity, Interlude V: Why Barad?, 6. Barad: Thinking with Intra-action, Interlude VI: Why Deleuze & Guattari?, 7. Deleuze and Guattari: Thinking with Desire, 8. Ontological writing: Unleashing Becomings and Worldings