"This is a work of superior scholarship on an important but neglected subject. Hutchison has written from a new perspective that reflects considerable and original research in a wide variety of documents. Representing a new wave in feminist studies, this multifaceted book reveals the gendered character of Chilean discourse on work, poverty, activism, and reform."--Peter Winn, author of "Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean"
List of Tables
>List of Illustrations
I. Working-Class Life and Politics
>1. Gender, Industrialization, and Urban Change in Santiago
>2. Women at Work in Santiago
>3. “To Work Like Men and Not Cry Like Women”: The Problem of Women in Male Workers’ Politics
>4. Somos Todos Obreras! Socialists and Working-Class Feminism
II. Women Workers and the Social Question
>5. Women’s Vocational Training: The Female Face of Industrialization
>6. Senoras y Senoritas; Catholic Women Defend the Hijas de Familia
>7. Women, Work, and Motherhood: Gender and Legislative Consensus
>Conclusion: Women, Work, and Historical Change