Contains papers that aim to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management.
A new beginning: an overview (G.R. Ferris). Organizational politics: the state of the field, links to related processes, and an agenda for future research (K.M. Kacmar, R.A. Baron). Legitimacy in human resources management (M.C. Galang et al.). Career-related continuous learning: defining the construct and mapping the process (M. London, J.W. Smither). Training in organizations: myths, misconceptions, and mistaken assumptions (E. Salas et al.). Managerial discretion, compensation strategy, and firm performance: the case for ownership structure (H.L. Tosi et al.). Person-environment fit in the selection process (J.D. Werbel, S.W. Gilliland). Life experiences and performance prediction: toward a theory of biodata (M.A. Dean et al.). Union strategies for revival: a conceptual framework and literature review (M.F. Masters, R.S. Atkin). About the contributing authors.