There has been a widespread resurgence of rights talk in social and legal discourses pertaining to the regulation of family life, as well as an increase in the use of rights in family law cases, in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia. Rights, Gender and Family Law addresses the implications of these developments - and, in particular, the impact of rights-based approaches upon the idea of welfare and its practical application.
1. Welfare, Rights, Care and Gender in Family Law, Shazia Choudhry, Jonathan Herring and Julie Wallbank 2. Gender, Rights, Responsibilities and Social Policy, Brid Featherstone 3. Child Protection, Gender and Rights, Felicity Kaganas 4. Rights and Responsibility: Girls and Boys Who Behave Badly, Christine Piper 5. (En)Gendering The Fusion of Rights and Responsibilities in the Law of Contact, Julie Wallbank 6. Fatherhood, Law and Fathers' Rights: Rethinking the Relationship Between Gender and Welfare, Richard Collier 7. Mandatory Prosecution and Arrest as a Form of Compliance with Due Diligence Duties in Domestic Violence - The Gender Implications, Shazia Choudhry 8. The Limitations of Equality Discourses on the Contours of Intimate Obligations, Lisa Glennon 9. Public Norms and Private Lives: Rights, Fairness and Family Law, Alison Diduck 10. The Identification of 'Parents' and 'Siblings': New Possibilities under the Reformed Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, Caroline Jones 11. Children with Exceptional Needs: Welfare, Rights and Caring Responsibilities, Joanna Bridgeman 12. Relational Autonomy and Family Law, Jonathan Herring 13. Concluding Thoughts: The Enduring Chaos of Family Law, Helen Rhodes