This book presents the theory of integrating implification and it provides a profound evidence based study of Buurtzorg Nederland. The case itself, forming the building block of the theory, has received tremendous interest in the Netherlands and abroad. This is the first international book on Buurtzorg Nederland and the first one departing from a management multidisciplinary perspective. The book demonstrates theory building by using the Grounded Theory Methodology as a way to contribute to management theory. Integrating simplification gives room for context specific implementation of organizational innovation to different industries.
Towards a New Way of Organizing.- Buurtzorg Nederland: Start-up Process and Organizational Design.- Theory of Integrating Simplification.- Attuning to Clients.- Subtle Craftsmanship in Communities.- Intrapreneurial Team Freedom.- Pragmatic Will with ICT.- Leading Higher Purpose.- Scientific Contribution of IST in the Domain of Organizational Innovation.- Implications and Discussion.- Reflections and Conclusion.