This book examines the social consequences of mobile communication in the era of the smartphone and how the smartphone has positively and negatively impacted society.
- Foreword Tom Wheeler
- About the Contributors
- Section 1: The Smartphone Decade
- 1.1 An Introduction Rich Ling, Leopoldina Fortunati, Gerard Goggin, Sun Sun Lim, and Yuling Li
- Section 2: Theoretical/Social Perspectives on Mobile Communication
- 2.1: Domestication Analyses and the Smartphone Leslie Haddon
- 2.2: Theories on the Adoption and Appropriation of Mobile Media Veronika Karnowski
- 2.3: Mobiles and the Self: A Trajectory of Paradigmatic Change Scott Campbell, Wenhuan Wang, and Joseph B. Bayer
- 2.4: The Mobile User's Mindset in a Permanently Online, Permanently Connected Society Peter Vorderer and Christoph Klimmt
- 2.5: Polymedia and Mobile Communication Mirca Madianou
- 2.6: Mobile Convergence Leopoldina Fortunati and Maria Bakardjieva
- Section 3: Methods
- 3.1: Mobile Phones in Action: The Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Perspective Christian Licoppe
- 3.2: Mobile Methods: The Collection of Social Scientific Data On-And With-Mobile Media Jeffrey Boase
- Section 4: Managing the Social Sphere via Mobile Communication
- 4.1: Digital Childhood? Global Perspectives on Children and Mobile Technologies Mariya Stoilova, Sonia Livingstone, and Giovanna Mascheroni
- 4.2: Intimacy in the App Age: Romantic Relationships and Mobile Technology Annisa M. P. Rochadiat, Stephanie Tom Tong, and Elena F. Corriero
- 4.3: The Social Consequences of Phubbing: A Framework and Research Agenda Mariek Vanden Abeele
- 4.4: Mobile Messaging Apps and Relationship Management: The Case of WeChat in China Di Cui and Xueqing Li
- 4.5: Older People Go Mobile Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol
- 4.6: Death and the Mobile Kathleen M. Cumiskey
- Section 5: Social Institutions
- 5.1: Mobile News Oscar Westlund
- 5.2: Mobile Media and Political Communication: Connect, Communicate, and Participate Ran Wei
- 5.3: Political Protest and Mobile Communication Christina Neumayer
- 5.4 Learning with Mobiles or "Mobile Learning" John Traxler
- 5.5: Mobile Health: A Rapidly Maturing Digital Ecosystem for Health Systems Strengthening Alain Labrique , Dustin Gibson, Radha Rajan, Lavanya Vasudevan
- 5.6: Big Data for Social Good: The Role of Telecom Kenth Engø-Monsen
- Section 6: Organizational/Business Potentials of Mobile Communication
- 6.1: Mobile Communication of Organizations Carsten Sørensen
- 6.2: Mobile Marketing Nicholas Carah
- 6.3: The Complexities of Using Mobiles at Work Keri K. Stephens
- Section 7: Visual and Linguistic Dimensions
- 7.1: Self-(Re)presentation in Mobile Communication Practices Amparo Lasén
- 7.2: Mobile Art: The Art of the Social Larissa Hjorth
- 7.3: Mobile Photography Rich Ling and Yuling Li
- 7.4: Talking, Reading, and Writing on Smartphones Naomi S. Baron
- Section 8: The Appification of Mobile Communication
- 8.1: Understanding Mobile Apps as Platform-Based Services in Multisided Markets: Adoption and Diffusion Per Egil Pedersen and Herbjørn Nysveen
- 8.2: The Message is the Medium: Mobile Instant Messaging Apps in the Mobile Communication Ecosystem Juan Miguel Aguado and Inmaculada J. Martínez
- 8.3: Ambient Play: Understanding Mobile Games in Everyday Life Larissa Hjorth and Ingrid Richardson
- Section 9: Urban Mobility and Location-Based Services
- 9.1: RFID, NFC, Beacons, and the Infrastructures of Logistical Locative Media Jordan Frith
- 9.2: Urban Mobility in Context: A Study About Location-Based Taxi Hailing Apps in Rio de Janeiro Adriana de Souza e Silva, Cristiane Damasceno, Daniela M. C. Bueno, and Justin Grandinetti
- 9.3: Autonomous Vehicles in the Mobility System Thilo von Pape
- Section 10: Cross- and Multi-Cultural Perspectives
- 10.1: Defining mGender: The Role of Mobile Phone Use in Gender Construction Processes Xin Pei and Arul Chib
- 10.2: Gender, Empowerment, and Mobile Phones in the Developing World Laura Stark
- Section 11: Challenges Posed by Mobile Communication
- 11.1: Privacy From Your Mobile Devices? Algorithmic Accountability, Surveillance Capitalism, and the Accumulation of Personal Data Tim Dwyer
- 11.2: Privacy on Smartphones: A Cross-National Study Bente Evjemo, Gorm Grønnevet, Rich Ling, Wenche Nag, Helene Lie Røhr, and Ole Christian Wasenden
- 11.3: Aggression Through Mobile Communication: Unraveling Its Motives and Consequences Michel Walrave, Joris Van Ouytsel, and Koen Ponnet
- 11.4: Mobile Phone Waste and Circular Economy Tim Cooper, Matt Shapley, and Christine Cole
- 11.5: Thinking Ethically About Mobile Devices: A Rough Guide Charles Ess
- Section 12: The Future Social Consequences of Mobile Communication
- 12.1: Mobile Communication to Social Robotics: Relationships and Emotions James E. Katz and Kate K. Mays
- 12.2: Robotization of Mobile Communication Sakari Taipale, Tuuli Turja, and Lina Van Aerschot