Brian Dana Akers grew up in Kalamazoo (yes, really) building telescopes, reading science fiction, and practicing Yoga beginning at the age of twelve.
He started six years of undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Michigan in 1975, with his senior year abroad in Andhra Pradesh, India. His wide-ranging, free-wheeling, pedal-to-the-metal studies included Sanskrit, Telugu, Hindi-Urdu, and Indian history.
In 1981, fleeing Michigan's unemployment rate of 17 percent, he emigrated to the San Francisco Bay Area. Brian worked as a typographer and network manager for eight different companies in ten years: four book publishers, two prepress companies, one software publisher, and one global retailer. He learned a great deal about the worlds of publishing, business, and technology.
In July of 1991, beneath an eclipsed sun, he met Loretta, then moved to New York, wrote a little science fiction, and in 2001 founded, publishing what are often regarded as very fine translations indeed. His home page is at