We should not be operating from a position of ignorance. God's Word tells us we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). If you don't understand the nature of your enemy and the weapons they use, you will be destroyed on the battlefield. Spot the deception. We need to wake up!
Where does learning the truth lead us? When we use truth to study and learn of these basic subjects, truth is found beginning with the Word of God:
the control of global warming and climate change;
big bang creation myths;
evolution and basic logic errors;
gravity, dark matter, and dark energy;
inertia and structure of matter;
billions and billions of years;
humanism in science and scenario analysis: the weakest of arguments full of illogic;
Newton's scientific method-tested hypothesis or theory;
Noah's worldwide flood;
humanists' view of the brain and consciousness versus God's.
An honest search for the truth will lead you to your Creator. The purpose of unbelievers using science as a tool of deception is to lead our nation into idolatry, away from our Creator, and toward a psychology of totalitarianism.