Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erice, Italy, May 2-12, 1987
Can we Calculate the Fundamental Dimensionless Constants of Physics? . - Observables in General Relativity. - The Quantum Hall Effect Part I: Basic Experiments. - Quantum Hall Effect Part II: Metrological Applications. - Fundamental Physical Constants. - Variability of the Physical Constants. - The Measurement Problem of the General Matter Field Theory as Required by the Copenhagen School. - On the Relations between Fundamental Constants. - Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants. - Searching for the Source of the Fifth Force. - Lorentz noninvariance and the Universality of free fall in Quasi-Riemannian Gravity. - Status of the Newtonian Gravitational Constant. - Time Variation of the Gravitational Constant. - The Supernova SN 1987A and the Neutrino Mass. - The Fifth Force Experiment at the TIFR. - Analysis of Ground States of General Relativity Theory and Relativistic Theory of Gravitation. - Gravitational-Relativistic Metrology. - Gravitational Waves. - The Gravitational Wave Experiment of the Rome Group. Data Recorded during SN1987A. - Solar-System Tests of General Relativity, the Transition to Second Order. - The Weyl-Dirac Theory and the Variation of the Gravitational Constant. - Selected Problems of Gravitational Wave Experiment. - Introductory Lectures on the Physics of High Energy Densities: Theories, Models, Measurements. - Detectors of Laboratory Gravitation Experiments and a new Method of Measuring G. - to the Theory of Fields in Finsler Spaces. - Neutrinos, Gravitons, Metrology and Gravitational Radiation. - On Quirino Majorana s Papers Regarding Gravitational Absorption. - I: Quelques Recherches sur l Absorption de la Gravitation par la Matière. - II: Theoretical and Experimental Researches on Gravitation.