Based on a tried and tested needs-based approach it begins by looking at the present 'state of play' in society's approach to schizophrenia, and the experiences of both sufferers and their families. It goes on to identify the needs raised by such experiences and considers ways of meeting them, before detailing methods of intervention.
Foreword. Introduction. Part I: About Schizophrenia. 1. Reality, Not Myth! 2. What Happens to sufferers. 3. What Happens to Families. Part II: Identifying and Meeting Needs 4. Priorities the Whole Family. 5. Priorities for sufferers. 6. Meeting Needs Indentified by Families. 7. Meeting Needs Identified by Sufferers. Part III: A Needs Based Approach 8. Explanations and Sharing Information. 9. Dealing with Specific Problems. 10. An Effective Resource. 11. Reality Testing and Other Strategies. 12. Needs Based Groupwork. Part IV: A Way Forward 13. Damage Limitation. References. Useful addresses. Further reading. Index.