How can Millennial parents help their kids thrive during their school years?
All parents want to do the best they can for their children, but in today's world of countless education options and conflicting social media information, it can be difficult to know what to do. This book, a comprehensive guide to the K-12 education landscape, will help parents navigate this maze to best support their children, from kindergarten through high school graduation, and beyond.
In this practical guide, Michele Gill distills over 30 years of experience and knowledge as an educational researcher, psychology professor, school founder, public school teacher, and mom of two boys to empower parents to make sound educational decisions for their kids that can profoundly affect the rest of their lives.
This practical guide includes:Up-to-date advice on how to navigate school choice options
Why private schools aren't necessarily better than public schools
Key indicators to tell if a school is a good fit for your child
The top 7 ways to improve your child's motivation to learn
How to survive the homework battle
How to level the playing field for your child through educational enrichment
School and teacher checklists you can use to evaluate your child's current learning environment
Plus, targeted strategies for students who struggle with reading, math, bullying, ADHD, and other issues that can make schooling so hard for our kids
The top 10 things parents can do to improve their kids' overall education