The traditional costume, although it has not yet left the premises, is nowadays stored in the wardrobes. It only comes out during ceremonies and traditional receptions. It is no longer the star of galas, nor the pomp of great days and beautiful evenings. It has become almost obsolete and is no longer the costume of the present time. This has led us to wonder why, in such a short time, from 1912 to the present day, the Western costume, which was supposed to remind Moroccans of the harmful memories of colonisation, and which was to leave the scene immediately after independence in 1956, has, on the contrary, conquered a large audience, fascinated so many minds and spaces? What future does it have in store for itself in a Morocco that is moving towards modernism and adapting new ways of life? Will globalisation succeed in imposing "its" standard garment and ousting this costume forever? Will there be a "traditional" costume in the future, given the great expansion of fashion, the new creative trends of young Moroccan stylists and designers who are constantly replacing the traditional with the evolving and the latter with even more modern cuts.