Science demands that all theory must be checked by experiment. Richard Feyn man, Nobel Laureate in physics (1965), reminds us in a wonderful quote that "The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of sci entific truth. " 1 It is because nonlinear physics can be so profoundly counter intuitive that these laboratory investigations are so important. This manual is designed to be used with the text Nonlinear Physics with Maple for Scientists and Engineers. Understanding is enhanced when experiments are used to check so please attempt as many of the activities as you can. As you perform theory, these activities, we hope that you will be amazed and startled by strange behav ior, intrigued and terrorized by new ideas, and be able to amaze your friends as you relate your strange sightings! Remember that imagination is just as impor tant as knowledge, so exercise yours whenever possible. But please be careful, as nonlinear activities can be addicting, can provide fond memories, and can awaken an interest that lasts a lifetime. Although it has been said that a rose by any other name is still a rose, (with apologies to Shakespeare) the authors of this laboratory manual have, in an endeavor to encourage the use of these nonlinear investigations, called them experimental activities rather than experiments. A number of design innovations have been introduced: A.
1 Spin Toy Pendulum. - 2 Nonlinear Damping. - 3 Anharmonic Potential. - 4 Iron Core Inductor. - 5 Nonlinear LRC Circuit. - 6 Tunnel Diode Negative Resistance Curve. - 7 Tunnel Diode Self-Excited Oscillator. - 8 Forced Duffing Equation. - 9 Focal Point Instability. - 10 Period of a Compound Pendulum. - 11 Stable Limit Cycle. - 12 Van der Pol Limit Cycle. - 13 Relaxation Oscillations: Neon Bulb. - 14 Relaxation Oscillations: Drinking Bird. - 15 Relaxation Oscillations: Tunnel Diode. - 16 Hard Spring. - 17 Nonlinear Resonance Curve: Mechanical. - 18 Nonlinear Resonance Curve: Electrical. - 19 Nonlinear Resonance Curve: Magnetic. - 20 Subharmonic Response: Periodic Doubling. - 21 Diode: Periodic Doubling. - 22 Power Spectrum. - 23 Entrainment and Quasiperiodicity. - 24 Quasiperiodicity: Neon Bulb. - 25 Chua s Butterfly. - 26 Route to Chaos. - 27 Driven Spin Toy. - 28 Mapping.