Three men, three events, where each finds his place within the rapidly unfolding system that was foretold of so long ago. As the world prepares to go its own way in defiance of the biblical God, each learns the truth of those biblical prophecies. As events that have taken decades, if not centuries, to be set in motion, each man faces his situation as the events play out.
Stan Robinson begins a typical Sunday morning with his wife. Something in the world around them seems more alive, though they are at a loss for what.
John Hernandez, struggling in a dark and dangerous world, seeks only safety and peace for himself and his family. John learns what it means to find the merciful Lord of the Bible, even as the world begins to experience the wrath of that same God.
Living a life of peace, farming the rich and revitalized mid-western lands of America, Benjamin is able to leave the darkest period ever experienced by the world of man behind. Still, Benjamin carries the scars of those lost years, with memories that rise up from time to time. Memories of the day when the light returned to a world without hope. The day when the armies of heaven finally put down the forces that had subjugated the entire world. The day when Christ returned to take His place on the prophesied throne.