Sylvain Runberg is a Belgian screenwriter and novelist who, divides his time between Stockholm, Provence and Paris. He has had more than 50 books published by the largest French publishers (Glénat, Le Lombard, Dupuis, Dargaud, Casterman, Soleil, Futuropolis etc, ...) and is now translated into 15 languages, having sold in total over 1 million copies worldwide. <p/>Jose Homs is a Spanish comic artist who has worked for US companies like Marvel, but also for European publishers like Dupuis. For the US, he has worked with writer Christopher Hinz on series such as Blade. He has also drawn for western collections ('Marvel Westerns') and on the Red Sonja series with Frank Cho and Doug Murray as writers in 2007-2008. Homs' work has also appeared in magazine Heavy Metal, and in the Spanish anthologies 'Barcelona TM' and 'Revolution Complex'. <p/>Manolo Carot is a Spanish comic artist who works under the pen name Man. Born in Mollet les Vallès near Barcelona, he began his career in 1998 making illustrations for RPG's like 'Aquelarre' and 'Superhéroes Inc', as well as Líder magazine of the publishing house La Caja de Pandora (1999-2001). He published his first comic stories for the erotic magazine Kiss Comix of Ediciones La Cúpula.