Blowing up Ukraine is a first history of democracy in Ukraine since 1991 and the lethal methods Russia has used over a quarter of a century to regain Ukraine as a vazal state - culminating in a full-blown unprovoked war in 2022 and mounting war crimes. Over twenty years, the Kremlin skilfully manipulated Ukraine's self-serving politicians and oligarchs, only to be thwarted time and again by peaceful transitions of power and demonstrations by ordinary Ukrainians - the Maidan - against government corruption and being pushed back into Russia's empire. With Ukraine as the first step in the Kremlin's master plan, Novorossiya, the Russian state has become a threat to global stability and Ukraine may be the first battleground of a world war if other nations are not careful to take a stance. Full of new and little known first-hand sources, Blowing up Ukraine presents a chilling and alarming narrative, and a path to defusing the conflict.