This book is a result of a career spent developing and applying computer techniques for the geosciences. The need for a geoscience modeling reference became apparent during participation in several workshops and conferences on the subject in the last three years. For organizing these, and for the lively discussions that ensued and inevitably contributed to the contents, I thank Keith Turner, Brian Kelk, George Pflug and Johnathan Raper. The total number of colleagues who contributed in various ways over the preceding years to the concepts and techniques presented is beyond count. The book is dedicated to all of them. Compilation of the book would have been impossible without assistance from a number of colleagues who contributed directly. In particular, Ed Rychkun, Joe Ringwald, Dave Elliott, Tom Fisher and Richard Saccany reviewed parts of the text and contributed valuable comment. Mohan Srivastava reviewed and contributed to some of the geostatistical presentations. Mark Stoakes, Peter Dettlaff and Simon Wigzell assisted with computer processing of the many application examples. Anar Khanji and Randal Crombe assisted in preparation of the text and computer images. Klaus Lamers assisted with printing. The US Geological Survey, the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Dave Elliott and others provided data for the application examples. My sincere thanks to all of them.
I. Computer Techniques for Geological Characterization. - 1 The Geological Characterization Process. - 2 Complicating Factors for Computerization. - 3 Features of an Integrated 3D Computer Approach. - 4 Spatial Data Types and Structures. - 5 Analysis of Spatial Variability. - 6 Geological Interpretation and Modeling. - 7 Geological Modeling from Surfaces. - 8 Geostatistical Prediction Techniques. - 9 Spatial Analysis Techniques. - 10 Uncertainty, Sampling Control and Risk Assessment. - II. Applications in the Geosciences. - 11 Subsurface Soil Contamination Assessment. - 12 Hazardous Waste Site Characterization and Underground Repository Design. - 13 Ore Deposit Evaluation and Underground Mine Planning. - 14 Characterization and Development Planning for a Small Oil Reservoir. - 15 Geotechnical Characterization for an Underground Powerhouse Excavation. - 16 New Directions in Spatial Prediction, Modeling and Database Management.