Dr. Elizabeth Hill Reynolds is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. She received her K-12 education in Memphis's city schools. She completed her B.A. from the University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff, where her major was elementary education, and received her master's degree from the University of Kansas with a major in elementary education and reading. She took postgraduate courses at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville to receive her administrative certifications. Dr. Reynolds holds a Doctorate of Education Degree in Educational Leadership from the College of Education at Vanderbilt University. While at Vanderbilt, she received her superintendent's endorsement. Additional post-doctorate work was done as a part of the Institute on Active Learning in Middle Schools at Harvard University. Dr. Reynolds completed the National Superintendent's Prepared Program, and the National Staff Development Council, both in Washington, D.C. She has served as a teacher, district office administrator, and assistant superintendent in Tennessee and a superintendent in Illinois for almost eighteen years in three school districts. Dr. Reynolds has also worked as an adjunct professor at two universities, University of Tennessee and Chicago State University. As outlined in the book, Dr. Reynolds strongly agrees with the factors that motivate successful teachers. If educational leaders are to motivate teachers, they must know them and their work.