Emmanuel and the Hedgehog was inspired by a true event in Uganda. Jesica and her husband were living in Uganda while teaching at a small private school. Their neighbor, a local Ugandan boy whom they had befriended, had found a live hedgehog in his yard. He brought the hedgehog to their house in a bucket one day. He gracefully picked up the hedgehog and set it down on the veranda. The hedgehog walked around on the veranda as if gliding and skating on ice. The boy was obviously fond of the hedgehog and the event touched Jesica. Several years later, Jesica began writing children's books and decided to use her experiences overseas as inspiration. Her goal is to write multicultural books with hidden messages of kindness and peace for children.
Read along in Emmanuel and the Hedgehog as a young boy finds an injured hedgehog while planting sweet potatoes with his mother in the field. Find out what happens as he cares for the hedgehog and decides to secretly take the hedgehog to school. Promote multicultural, virtues-based literature for children!