In Medieval Supposition Theory Revisited papers are presented which, on the basis of L.M. de Rijk's monumental Logica modernorum (1962-1967, 3 vols.), sketch the development of medieval theories on meaning and reference from the beginnings well into the 17th century. The book also presents studies of these theories from a modern point of view.
1 E.P. Bos and B.G. Sundholm, Introduction
3 Early Supposition Theory in General L.M. de Rijk, Semantics and Ontology. An Assessment of Medieval Terminism
13 Sten Ebbesen, Early Supposition Theory II
60 Arabic Philosophy Allan Back, Avicenna's Theory of Supposition
81 XIIth Century Luisa Valente, Supposition Theory and Porretan Theology: Summa Zwettlensis and Dialogus Ratii et Everardi
119 XIIIth Century Mary Sirridge, Supposition and the Fallacy of Figure of Speech in the Abstractiones
147 Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, The Role of Discrete Terms in the Theory of the Properties of Terms
169 Dafne Mure, Suppositum between Logic and Metaphysics: Simon of Faversham and his Contemporaries (1270-1290)
205 XIVth Century Costantino Marmo, Scotus on Supposition
233 Simo Knuuttila, Supposition and Predication in Medieval Trinitarian Logic
260 Laurent Cesalli, Richard Brinkley on Supposition
275 Alessandro D. Conti, Semantic and Ontological Aspects of Wyclif 's Theory of Supposition
304 Fabrizio Amerini, Thomas Aquinas and Some Italian Dominicans (Francis of Prato, Georgius Rovegnatinus and Girolamo Savonarola) on Signification and Supposition
327 Catarina Dutilh Novaes, The Role of 'Denotatur' in Ockham's Theory of Supposition
352 Claude Panaccio, Ockham and Buridan on Simple Supposition
371 E. Jennifer Ashworth, Descent and Ascent from Ockham to Domingo de Soto: An Answer to Paul Spade
385 Ernesto Perini-Santos, When the Inference 'p is true, therefore p'Fails: John Buridan on the Evaluation of Propositions
411 XV-XVI-XVIIth Centuries Angel d' Ors, Logic in Salamanca in the Fifteenth Century. The Tractatus suppositionum terminorum by Master Franquera
427 Stephan Meier-Oeser, The Hermeneutical Rehabilitation of Supposition Theory in Seventeenth-Century Protestant Logic
464 Logic: Medieval and Modern Sara L. Uckelman, A Quantified Temporal Logic for Ampliation and Restriction
485 Terry Parsons, The Expressive Power of Medieval Logic
511 Index