This unique handbook compiles and details cutting-edge research in nanomagnetism and its applications in spintronics, magneto-plasmonics, and nonlinear magneto-optics. Fundamental aspects of magnetism relevant to nanodevices and new spin-transfer torque random-access memory (STT-RAM), current-induced domain wall motion memory, and spin torque oscillators, as well as highly anisotropic materials and topics on magnetization damping are developed in detail in the book. New paradigms such as molecule-based magnets (MBMs), which are a promisingly adaptive class of solids poised to open new frontiers of exploration, are also covered.
Introduction. Spintronics and spintronic applications. L10 alloy thin films and nanostructures. Relaxation in magnetic materials for spintronics. Nonlinear dynamic properties of two-dimensional arrays of magnetic nanodots. Dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles and nano-devices. Magneto-plasmonic nanostructures. Nonlinear optics in magnetic nanostructures. Understanding magnetic exchange in molecule-based magnets from an electronic structure point of view. Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy.