The number of homeless people in America has continued to grow at an alarming rate since the 1970s. Yet many members of the general public still have far more questions than answers about the magnitude and implications of this complex social problem and the reasons for its persistence. Now the answers can be found in Homelessness in America, the most current, comprehensive, and authoritative volume available on this subject. Focusing on the broad social issue of homelessness, the book's 19 essays offer in-depth examinations of policy-related issues by noted social workers, researchers, advocates, and other experts in the field. Chapter topics include the causes and prevention of homelessness, national and local advocacy movements, the local regulation of public space, and current policies on employment, income maintenance, and housing. Up-to-date statistics and tables are included along with an extensive bibliography and an appendix listing national or state advocacy organizations.
Kai T. Erikson
Jim Baumohl
PART 1. History, Definitions, and Causes 1
CHAPTER 1. Redefining the Cursed Word: A Historical Interpretation of American Homelessness 3
Kim Hopper and Jim Baumohl
CHAPTER 2. Homelessness: Definitions and Counts 15
Martha R. Burt
CHAPTER 3. The Causes of Homelessness 24
Paul Kegel, M. Audrey Burnam, and Jim Baumohl
CHAPTER 4. Housing Policy: A General Consideration 34
Cushing N. Dolbeare
CHAPTER 5. Why the Road off the Street Is Not Paved with Jobs 46
Bristow Hardin
CHAPTER 6. Income Maintenance: Little Help Now, Less on the Way 63
Mark H. Greenberg and Jim Baumohl
PART 2. Dimensions of Homelessness 79
CHAPTER 7. Rural Homelessness: A Synopsis 81
Laudan Y. Aron and Janet M. Fitchen
CHAPTER 8. Material Survival Strategies on the Street: Homeless People as Bricoleurs 86
David A. Snow, Leon Anderson, Theron Quist, and Daniel Cress
CHAPTER 9. Homeless Veterans 97
Robert Rosenheck, Catherine A. Leda, Linda K. Frisman, Julie Lam, and An-Me Chung
CHAPTER 10. Homeless Families Are Different 109
Marybeth Shinn and Beth C. Weitzman
CHAPTER 11. Homelessness among African Americans: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective 123
Kim Hopper and Norweeta G. Milburn
CHAPTER 12. Homelessness and the Latino Paradox 132
Susan Gonzalez Baker
PART 3. Responses to Homelessness 141
CHAPTER 13. Public Attitudes and Beliefs about Homeless People 143
Bruce G. Link, Jo C. Phelan, Ann Stueve, Robert E. Moore, Michaeline Bresnahan, and Elmer L. Struening
CHAPTER 14. Municipal Regulation of the Homeless in Public Spaces 149
Harry Simon
CHAPTER 15. The Federal Response: The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act 160
Maria Foscarinis
CHAPTER 16. Responses by the States to Homelessness 172
Vicki Watson
CHAPTER 17. Responding to the Needs of Homeless People with Alcohol, Drug, and/or Mental Disorders 179
Deirdre Oakley and Deborah L. Dennis
CHAPTER 18. Preventing Homelessness 187
Eric N. Lindblom
CHAPTER 19. Dilemmas of Local Antihomelessness Movements 201
Rob Rosenthal
APPENDIX: Information Clearinghouses, National Organizations, and State Organizations 213