Written by experts in comparative, developmental, social, cognitive and cultural psychology, this book explains how we learn to value the different objects, people and events in our environment from others' emotions. It reveals why some things are so important to us, but not at all to others.
A difficult introduction to affective social learning Fabrice Clément and Daniel Dukes; Part I. On the Evolutionary Foundations of Affective Social Learning Processes: Lessons from Comparative Psychology: 1. Social learning among wild orang-utans: is it effective? Caroline Schuppli and Carel van Schaik; 2. Affective social learning and the emotional side of cultural learning in primates Thibaud Gruber and Christine Sievers; Part II. On Human Development and Affective Social Learning: 3. Affective social learning: from nature to culture Paul Harris; 4. Natural pedagogy of social emotions György Gergely and Ildikó Király; Part III. On the Mechanics of Affective Social Learning: 5. Calibrating emotional orientations: social appraisal and other kinds of relation alignment Brian Parkinson; 6. Socio-affective inferential mechanisms involved in emotion recognition Christian Mumenthaler and David Sander; 7. Learning from others' emotions Agneta Fischer; Part IV. Applications of Affective Social Learning: 8. Chastening the future: what we learn from others' regret Antony Manstead, Magdalena Rychlowska and Job van der Schalk; 9. Insights from culture and emotion research for affective social learning: emotional enculturation and acculturation Jozefien De Leersnyder; Conclusion: laying the foundations of affective social learning Fabrice Clément and Daniel Dukes.