The works of the great Uzbek poet and thinker Alisher Navoi, have not beens speciallystudied in the scientific monographic direction until today, whichd dedicatedto religious and philosophical, irphoniy works, spiritual teacher, greatr ruler historical figures. Particularly, great thinker`s two historical works werei interpretedin the style of, namely "Tarixi anbiyo va hukamo" (The history ofs saintsand scientists) and "Tarixi muluki Ajam" (The History of property Ajam(Arabic. - not Arab) is a common name for the peoples of the East, other than the Arabs before the beginning of our century "the expression of contradictions in thep poet'swork" With the restoration of scientific and critical texts of works, they were not objects of literary criticism. The author, referring to the fact that these historical works were studied in the direction of historiography, also revealed in this study their ideological, artistic, compositional and specific poetic features.The scientific value of the monograph can be seen in the indication of the ooriginalityof the pen of the great thinker-poet in the field of historical tazkira, that is, in the field of scientific and artistic prose...