New Trends in Technology Enhanced Learning book aims to inform the stakeholders in education about approaches of educational technologies. In the age of technology, individuals need more education than ever. Developing technology required educators to create changes in the learning process. Moreover, this change also increased the duties and responsibilities of teachers. Many approaches that the teacher and the student have taken on new roles are being studied today. It is inevitable to use these approaches in education to not to fall behind the age. So, book chapters are; Chapter I - Introduction: Fezile Ozdamli, Chapter II- Virtual Reality: Omer Sami Kaya, Chapter III- Augmented Reality: Omer Sami Kaya, Chapter IV- Infographics: Ata Täpolat, Chapter V- Game-Based Learning: Eser Çeker, Chapter VI- Gamification: Eser Çeker, Chapter VII - Flipped Classroom: Ata Täpolat, Chapter VIII- Social Media in Education: Mobina Beheshti, Chapter IX- Learning on the Go: Fatih Sapanca & Dönay Kara