This work exams rhetorical differences between texts written by the 'journalese' of different cultural practices but using as means of expression the same language: English. The text is based on a research carried out at the master's level at Kenyatta University in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to find out how newspapers compared in their writing practice in the context of Post-2007 Election Violence in Kenya. The study is based on the premise that most newspapers have in-house policies that inform their writing and that writers select certain forms more than others to achieve their goal of writing. The study therefore described, compared and contrasted the linguistic features used by the Daily Nation and The Standard newspapers to cover Post Election Violence and hence explained their discourse function. The literature review provided insight from related studies on discoursal features that apply in texts. Expressions that imply and visualize violence characterized the writing of headlines. On purpose too, specific linguistic features prominently applied in the body of news beats.